"I called my local auto repair shop to schedule an oil change not too long ago. When I brought my vehicle to the shop, even though I had called them to make the appointment, they had to ask what I was having done, because they had only written my name and a time. No vehicle, no service, not even an estimated wait time! It seemed like they weren’t paying attention to my needs or those of my vehicle. After I make an appointment, I expect the business to know why I am there."
Don’t let a review like this happen to you!
Customers like to know that their shop is taking care of their vehicle. How do customers know their vehicle is in good hands? When the service writer notes why they’re bringing in their car! When your customers know they’re being taken care of, they’re more likely to tell their friends about their shop and what wonderful care they’ve received there.
When a customer calls to make an appointment it is imperative to get a time and reason. Any other information is useful, but this is a must. When the customer shows up, the service writer can gather any other necessary information, record desired pickup time, and note any budget constraints the customer may have.
A good way to record all this information is to record it in an appointment book, or better yet, a shop management system. Make sure to note things like mailing address, phone number, and email address, both for contacting the customer now, and for sending reminders and promotions later. It’s also a good idea to record vehicle-specific information like the VIN and license plate number to avoid confusion just in case you get two customers with similar cars. A good shop management system will help you keep track of all this and more.
Don’t have a shop management system yet? Find out about the YES Shop Management System here.
IMAGE by Hunter Williams
IMAGE by Rory MacLeod