This time of year is a perfect time to try out new tactics to increase profits and build your customer base. The days are longer, the sun is out and everyone is in a great mood. We know this is one of the busiest seasons for your auto repair shop and thinking up new sales and marketing tactics might be challenging. So we’ve made a list of our top three ways to heat up profits this summer to help get you started.
3 Ways to Heat Up Profits this Summer
Mon, Jun 3, 2019 @ 16:06 PM / by Pace Software posted in Shop Management Software, YES Management System, Pace Software, service, customer, satisfaction, Auto Repair Shop, Increase Your Profit, Profit, Shop Management, auto industry, sales, repair shop, social media, reviews, Summer, Profits
5 Ways to Make Your Customers Fall in Love with your Shop
Thu, Feb 14, 2019 @ 16:02 PM / by Pace Software posted in YES Management System, Pace Software, customer, satisfaction, Auto Repair Shop, manager, Shop Management, time management, auto industry, repair shop, social media
It’s February and love is in the air. This time of year is all about renewing relationships, falling in love, and doing something nice for that special someone. While you make your Valentine’s Day plans, don’t forget to think of your customers! With the industry growing so quickly, customers’ relationships with your auto services business are more important than ever.
3 Reasons to Use Social Media to Market your Auto Repair Shop
Tue, Feb 12, 2019 @ 15:02 PM / by Pace Software posted in Pace Software, customer, satisfaction, Increase Your Profit, auto industry, sales, repair shop, social media, reviews
Social media is an integral part of the daily lives of almost every American. According to a survey performed in January 2018 by Pew Research Center, the majority of U.S. adults visit various social media platforms at least once a day. When surveyed about their social media usage, U.S. adults reported Facebook is the most prevalent, with 74 percent visiting daily, followed by Instagram with 60 percent visiting daily, then Twitter and YouTube with 46 percent and 45 percent, respectively. In fact, social media is also an extremely powerful tool for connecting with these prospective customers and marketing your auto repair shop. Here are our top 3 reasons why.
3 Ideas That Could Help Boost Your Customer Base
Tue, Aug 20, 2013 @ 10:08 AM / by Christine Lowell posted in service, customer, satisfaction, team, Auto Repair Shop
Recording Customer Requests
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 @ 11:07 AM / by Dave Lowell posted in Productivity, efficiency, customer, satisfaction, Auto Repair Shop, management